11.12.2020        7673

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and further development of mass sports" dated October 30, 2020 No PF-6099 at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on December 7-9 this year In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks and the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 575 of November 11, 2020 under the motto "Sport - a guarantee of health" sports tournament among students of our university. The competition was opened by the Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs L.O. Mingashev. A total of 21 students took part in the competition, and the competition was interesting and uncompromising. The first place was taken by the student of the Faculty of International Law Tilavov Saloxidin; 2nd place was taken by a student of the Faculty of International Economics and Management Farkhodov Shohruz; Murodov Sadulla, a student of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, took the 3rd place. The competition was held in a festive mood. The winners were awarded with diplomas and souvenirs. The competition was supervised by teachers of physical culture and sports Sh. Dilmurodov and D. Rakhmatov.