Native language, you are the wings of my soul
20.10.2020 7741
The Uzbek language belongs to the group of Turkic languages and has a special status. Linguists highly appreciate the strength and potential of the Uzbek language, which unites the three main dialects of the Turkic languages - Karluk, Kipchak and Oghuz. Influenced by other languages, our native language stood the test of time, overcoming many obstacles, but has never stopped from developing. Great defenders of our language, immortal talents and heroic poets such as Mahmud Kashgari, Alisher Navoi, our Jadid ancestors Abdullah Kodiri and Cholpon made a huge contribution to its development.
October 21 - the day when our native language legally strengthened its status and was awarded the status of the state language - is being widely celebrated this year, despite the severe pandemic. In accordance with the Law "On the celebration of the Day of the Uzbek language" No. ZRU-615, signed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 10, 2020, this day was officially recognized as a celebration for the first time this year. The fact that it was recognized as an official holiday caused special enthusiasm in the hearts of our people. On the eve of the holiday, the speech of President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev from the UN rostrum in the Uzbek language became a great historical event and a wonderful gift for the holiday.
The holiday of the Uzbek language is being widely celebrated at UWED under the motto "You are eternal, you are my pride, my native language!" As part of the celebration, a meeting was held with the People's Poet of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan - Sirojiddin Sayyid on October 19, 2020. The organizer of the online meeting was the rector of the university K.Kh. Karimov, who opened the event with a congratulatory speech. Besides, the first vice-rector of UWED M.T. Bakoev and the vice-rector for international relations of the university S. Saidkasimov congratulated everyone, emphasizing the role and importance of the holiday, and called the youth to protect our native language. Then the floor was given to the guest of the event - Sirojiddin Sayid. The participants of the event were highly impressed by the interesting and meaningful speech of the famous poet, which was vivid evidence of the power and beauty of our language. At the same time, the poet noted that love for literature, books, masterpieces of world spirituality is a noble feeling, and put forward practical proposals for the development of creative skills, including the organization of a club of translators, creative clubs in cooperation with the Writers' Union at UWED. After the speech, the poet answered the students' questions. Meaningful questions and answers, lively conversations and the performance of poems of our great poets by students gave the event a special spirit.
At the end of the event, Sirojiddin Sayid presented UWED with books on classical and modern Uzbek literature. The rector of the university K.Kh. Karimov in his closing speech expressed his sincere gratitude to the distinguished guest for the visit and gifts.