22.12.2022        2195

On December 20, 2022, the Center for Asia-Pacific Regional Studies at the Institute for Advanced International Studies of the UWED with the support from our partner University in Japan – representative office of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan, held a hybrid seminar Promotion of Research and Education to foster Sustainable Tourism in Uzbekistan.
The purpose of the seminar was to highlight and promote research and education in the field of sustainable tourism in order to increase the benefits of tourism for the country and reduce its negative effects by protecting the environment, wildlife and natural resources while developing and managing tourism activities.
Professor Yoshiko Kawabata of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Professor Nakamoto Kazue of Wakayama University, Professor Umemura Tetsuo of the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University presented their presentations at the seminar. Similarly, associate professor Suriya Turaeva of the UWED shared her research outcomes about the potential ways of development of ecotourism in Uzbekistan and Surayyo Usmanova provided relevant insights and current approaches from the point of legislation of Uzbekistan. 
​In particular, the speech of the Advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Temur Mirzaev titled “Potential and ways of developing ecotourism in Uzbekistan” aroused great interest.  At the end of the seminar, a discussion was held with the participation of JICA experts. The Center for Asia-Pacific Research Studies plans to publish a reference booklet dedicated to this workshop.