In the UWED a field court session was held in cooperation with the Tashkent Interdistrict Economic Court
11.07.2019 10256
July 9, 2019 in the courtroom of the Legal Clinic of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in collaboration with the Tashkent Interdistrict Economic Court an on-site court hearing was held to familiarize students with the processes of economic courts.
Judge I.Khakimova from the Tashkent city inter-district economic court, the assistant of prosecutor of Olmazor district prosecutor's office A.Haydarov, the plaintiff’s lawyer representing the interests of “Unimax” LLC L.Zakirova and the defendant from the Tax inspectors office of Olmazor district inspector A.Tazhmiddinov, attended at the trial.
The trial was conducted in the manner prescribed by the Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other regulatory legal acts. At the beginning of the trial, the chairman of the court, I. Khakimova, reminded the parties of their rights and obligations. After that, the parties were heard and examined the documents submitted by them. At that time, the assistant of prosecutor A.Haydarov controlled the legality of the judicial process.
After the trial, the court verdict was announced, and its legal aspects were equipped. Students received answers to their questions from the participants in the trial.