The University held on the event ethnic and religious tolerance
12.05.2016 35237
The event was attended by representatives of the Republican International Cultural Centre of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Islamic Institute, as well as the faculty and students of the University youth.
During the meeting, the Director of the Republican International Cultural Center N.Muhamadiev, who noted that the relevance of the theme is amplified due to disagreements in the world on national and religious grounds.
Expanding on the activities of the organization, he said that the organization was established in 1992 on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and since then contributes to the improvement of international relations, to meet the growing national and spiritual needs of the resident representatives of the various ethnic groups.
Guests of the event noted that currently, the organization coordinates activities, provides organizational and methodological assistance to all national cultural centers, whose number exceeds 140, and 14 of them have the status of national. Together with them annually more than 700 events - festivals, seminars, meetings, "round tables". The result of these efforts is existing in Uzbekistan Culture of interethnic tolerance.
It was stressed that today in Uzbekistan fostering a culture of tolerance, including ethnic and religious, it has become one of the priorities of state policy. This is due to the fact that the country is home to more than 130 nations and nationalities and 16 religious denominations. They all live in peace, harmony and respect for each other.
Speakers noted the uniqueness of our country where schooling is conducted in 7 languages. This is an indication that the language, culture, traditions and customs of other nationalities are valued. This fact is another important factor of peaceful coexistence of different nations in Uzbekistan. In today's realities of globalization one of the main issues on the agenda of the international community is to allow inter-religious and inter-ethnic nature of the disagreement.
This event allowed the students - future diplomats to strengthen their knowledge, to discuss the important aspects of this area and learn more about our country taken measures to maintain healthy, mutually respectful relations in society.