16.04.2016 35896

The seminar on the topic: “Do you know your rights and obligations?” was held on April 15, 2016 in the Academic Lyceum under the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. During the event, the teacher Payzieva D. gave a lecture on the theme: The significance and importance of the articles connected with rights and liberties of a person and a citizen and civil liability in the Constitution of Uzbekistan.

In the form of “question-and-answer”, the teacher Hamdamova F. discussed with students the content of main obligations of citizens and civil liability, fixed in the Constitution.

At the end of the seminar, the students could get answers on all questions they were interested in. The seminar was concluded with an awarding ceremony. The winners of the essay contest on the topic: “Do you know your rights and obligations?” Shahlo Hidoyatova, Maftuna Botirova and Islom Egamberdiev were handed diplomas and prizes. Overall, the seminar was interesting and constructive and helped the students of the Academic Lyceum enlarge their knowledge on rights and obligations of a person and a citizen and civil liability.