23.03.2019 10057

On March 20, a meeting was held with the Chairman of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, the famous artist Akmal Vakhobdzhonovich Nuriddinov (Akmal Nur) with the Master students of the direction "Gides- interpreters and translation" and with the participants of the courses on training  VIP guides-translators.

The meeting took place in the artist's studio. In a warm, relaxed conversation Akmal Nur told about his work, about how his works are created, stunning paintings, about what inspires the master to create paintings. The artist showed his work, sharing a brief history of creating paintings. Undergraduates and students, being very impressed after seeing the pictures, asked a lot of questions.

A personal anniversary exhibition of the master, the brilliant artist Akmal Nur is expected to be very soon. The participants of the meeting kindly received an invitation to the exhibition.