The Memorandum of Cooperation between UWED and the judiciary of The Criminal court of Tashkent city
01.04.2016 32562
On 31st of March 2016 there was held a ceremony for the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between UWED and the judiciary of The Criminal court of Tashkent city. The judges of The Criminal court of Tashkent city as well as professors, teachers and student of UWED participated at this event.
The main purpose of this event is to create conditions for wider use of theoretical legal knowledge in practice, familiarizing students with the modern judicial practice, as well as improving the quality of education and training of highly qualified personnel.
In order to realize this purpose, the following tasks were identified. They include organizing practical seminars, trainings and sample trials as well as the introduction of the latest reforms in the judicial practice in our country
On the basis of the Memorandum positive results are expected in the learning process, as well as in the legal, scientific and practical fields.