10.11.2018 9705

Today (08.11.2018) we had a webinar with oversees (US) Prof. Edward A. Morse[1] for the first time during my universty years. Electronic Payments: Regulating Innovations[2] was the title of this webinar, where we primarily understood that the legal relations of our time is much more advanced that we used to believe.

In the first place, prof. Morse discribed the existing legal backgrounory of currency regulation in the territory of the US. After describing the advantages of the cash use cases, he went on to the e-pament system regulatory drowbacks and cost-nonefficiency, lastly – on the influence of the new ‘game-changer’. Furthermore, he fully discribed the future trends in the possible government and market interference to this new phenomenon in the payment system. He said that in its times when paper money had been introduced it had grown backlash. He added that this revolution was imposed by the state. However, this is not the case now where the role of civil society and the discretion of private entities do not let the innovation to be imposed upon them.

As prof. Morse finished his lecture he answered to several interesting questions of the students. We hope that this new begining will not be the only lecture with oversees professors.


[1] Professor of Law McGrath North Mullin & Kratz Endowed Chair Creighton University School of Law Omaha, Nebraska

[2] His last work has the same title: Morse, Edward A. “Electronic payment systems: Law and emerging technologies.” (2018).