24.03.2016 35685

Events of  “KVN” are annually organized among 1-year-students by the English Language department. The topic of this year’s meeting was “Cartoons”. The teams – “Joker” and “Madagascar” competed in this event in English. The event was lead by the 2-year-students of  the faculty of  IER – Egamberdiyeva Malika and Khayitboyev Sherzod. The opening speech was given by the Rector of the University – Djumanov A.A. After the speech, members of  the jury were introduced: representative of the Spirituality and Enlightenment department – Usmanova A, head of the English Language department – Tabak.G.A, methodologist of the English Language department - Tashmatova M.T, senior teacher of the English Language department – Arslanbekova A.R, as well as leaders of the teams participated in “KVN” last year – Khaqqulov Shokhrukh and Jaloliddinov Shamsiddin. At the end of the event , head of the English Language department – Tabak G.A. concluded the comments of the jury about the performance and expressed her gratitude for the performance prepared by the teams. According to the final decision, the team – “Madagascar” won the contest.