27.10.2015 41670

Dedicating to the 26th anniversary since the day when Uzbek language got the state status, in the University World Economy and Diplomacy the week of Uzbek language took place.  The week had a motto “My language became the state one”. During this week a lot of events took place. One of them is writing an essay on topic “What responsibilities does becoming state language bring to the language?”. According to the results, the winners of several nominations were pointed. They are: “Young writer”, “Young translator”, “Young poet”, “Young journalist”. In order to participate in this contest, students had to prepare their works on the theme of the week and show the whole university their talent. The works, written by 30 students, took part in the contest, were checked by the specialists of these spheres. The conclusion of this week was made on the event on 21st of October at the University World Economy and diplomacy. 

The guests of the event were: the honorable actor, director of the Uzbek national drama theatre- Fatkhulla Masudov. Also popular actors of Uzbek national drama theatre Tokhir Soidov and  Farkhod Abdullaev were invited. The rector of the University World Economy and Diplomacy Djumanov Abdumalik Abduvakhobovich awarded winners at the ceremony.