22.12.2017 16676

On December 20, 2017 the university held a meeting of the students with graduates of the UWED Sarvar Tursunov and Jasur Rajabov, specialists of Department for UN & International Organizations affairs and Treaty-Law Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (МFA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The meeting was conducted within the framework of "UWED ALUMNI MEETINGS", the project of the Club of Young Entrepreneurs "Start-up", UWED Alumni and the Union of Youth.  The event comprised two parts: 1) Lecture; 2) Question and answer session. First of all, Sarvar Tursunov and Jasur Rajabov talked about the current relations of Uzbekistan with international organizations and prospects of relations, as well as the importance of international law in international relations and activities of MFA. In the second part of the meeting, students received answers to their questions of interest, in particular, the guests talked about their career path, the criteria of effective activities in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.