The meeting, devoted to “The Year of Healthy Mother and Child”, on the topic “The role of family and society in the upbringing of youth” with women-veterans of labor, was held at the UWED.
12.02.2016 37035
The meeting, devoted to “The Year of Healthy Mother and Child”, on the topic “The role of family and society in the upbringing of youth” with women-veterans of labor, was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on the 12th of February.
The meeting was opened by the Head of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Jumanov A.A, the Vice Prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Head of Women’s Committee, the Doctor of medical Science, Professor Bosithanova E.I.
At the meeting also took part the honored worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chevalier, of “Shuhrat” Medal of Honor, Hosiyat Yakubjanova, the honoured worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the owner of “El-yurt hurmati” Medal of Honor, Mubarek Yunushodjayeva, the candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the author of more than 100 scientific works, Mukarram Muhitdinova; People’s Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the owner of chevalier of Medal of Honor “Mehnat-shuhrati” and “El-yurt hurmati” Rikhsi Ibrohimova; the Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the owner of Medal of Honor «Dostlik» and «Fidikorona mehnati uchun» Galina Melnikova; the doctor Mavlyuda Latypova.
Besides , the actors of National Academic Theatre of Uzbekistan, Tolib Muminov and Nigina Anarbayeva took part in this meeting. They performed the roles of Navoi and Guli from Alisher Navoii. Then gave a speech the owner of “Zulfiya” Awards, Guldjamol Askarova At the end of the meeting the performer of national Uzbek songs, Rano Rozikulova sang a beautiful song.