16.11.2017 16137

On November 13 of this year, 1st course master students of "Foreign Economic Activity" and "World Economy" faculties of  the University of World Economy and Diplomacy visited the Physical - Technical Institute NPO "Physics - Sun", Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

 This excursion course was dedicated to the theme “Innovation development of Uzbekistan” and organized by Tashpulatova Laylo Maratovna.The purpose of the trip was the practical study of the investment potential of the Institute, as well as the application of innovative developments in the energy sector.

Students were accompanied by senior scientific Yuldash Sobirov, who informed about history of foundation,functioning and future perspectives of the institute and gave answers to the all students questions. Excursion lesson was very informative and students recieved new information about innovative projects of using sun energy in scientific, industrial purposes.