Regular cultural event was conducted in the military unit №532 of Tashkent garrison in the framework of celebration of the Day of Motherland Defenders.
14.01.2016 38723
Officers, sergeants, soldiers, artists and students participated in the cultural event organized by the University of World Economy and Diplomacy together with the military unit №532 of Tashkent garrison.
Professors of the UWED who made a speech at the meeting mentioned that large-scale activities are carried on for the purpose of forming national operational and mobile military forces modernized with up-to-date armament and hardware under the guidance of the President of our country, Supreme Commander in Chief of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Nowadays, serving in the armed forces is considered to be a matter of honor for every citizen.
The results of the reforms in this area are manifested in the creation of a fundamentally new model of the Armed Forces, which are the reliable guarantor of security of the country, its territorial integrity and public tranquility of the people, as well as a school of spiritual and physical training of the youth.
According to commanding officer of above-mentioned military unit’s battalion, lieutenant-colonel T. Umarov, all indispensable prerequisites are provided at military units so that the soldiers could study, become hardened, and acquire skills. It is very importantly that every serviceman apprehends his responsibility for the peace and security of the country, complicity to the reforms conducted at the time for the prosperity of the nation. In general, the national army today - a reliable shield of our homeland.
During the meeting, was held the ceremony of awarding valuable gifts to the distinguished group of officers and sergeants.
The meeting was concluded by colorful concert, prepared by the students of the UWED. They performed songs glorifying independence, peace, clear sky over our heads, and respect to the profession of the serviceman, defending our country and people.