04.05.2017 26301

On May 3, 2017, at a supervisory hour, a conversation was conducted among all academic groups of students on the topic of "Attention and Respect," devoted to May 9 – the Day of Memory and Honor. The students voiced the memories of those people who fought against fascism and sacrificed their lives for the protection of their Motherland. The national heroes such as Tumaris, Sherak, Spitamen, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Najmiddin Kubro, Namoz-Botir as well as other our compatriots such as Abdulla Qodiriy, Mahmubkhoja Bekhbudiy, Munavvar-Qori, Cholpon, Avloniy, Usmon Nosir who fought for the freedom of the people are always in the hearts. The names of those who took part and heroically fought in World War II are saved in our memory. Students proudly told about their war veterans - grandfathers and grandmothers. A video fragment on the given issue was demonstrated to the audience . The conversation made a great impression on the students.