16.03.2017 29390

   On 15th of March 2017 during the curator-time in all academic groups was held conversation dedicated to Navruz. Students paid great attention to history of Navruz, how this holiday had been passed from generation to generation, how it became national and cultural property. In works of Makhmud Koshgariy, Abu Raykhan Beruni, Omar Khayyam, Alisher Navoi, Khafiz Tanish Bukhariy  are given information about holding holiday Navruz, its peculiarities, traditions and national games.                                                                                

    Navruz is celebrated on 21-22th of March, in the day of spring equinox. It lasts whole week, ten days, even whole month. Navruz is the holiday of all people.                                

   Beginning from 1990 in our country Navruz is celebrated solemnly. Thank to this holiday, our national traditions and customs were renewed. With acquiring independence Navruz has been declared as world holiday. In 2009 UNESCO added Navruz to the list of cultural heritage of humanity. Navruz is embodiment of cultural and spiritual heritage of Uzbekistan, its perpetuation became real thanks to initiatives of the first president of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov.