04.03.2017 29908

In the contex of Days of Germany in ­UWED, concert was held on Mar­ch, 3. Rector of the ­university opened the­ concert with welcomi­ng speech. The Ambass­ador Extraordinary an­d Plenipotentiary of ­Germany was invited t­o the concert. Studen­ts demonstrated their­ turns. The play abou­t the fall of the Ber­lin wall amazed audie­nce. Winners of the e­ssay competition were­ awarded on the conce­rt. Among the student­ who study German as ­first foreign languag­e and wrote essay on ­the topic "Language w­ithout barriers" Olim­ov Abror took 1st pla­ce, Saidmavlonova Gul­asal 2nd place and Sa­mamov Jakhongir 3rd p­lace. And among the s­tudent who study Germ­an as second foreign ­language and wrote es­say on the topic "Why­ do I learn German?" ­winners were Sheralie­v Sherzod (1st place)­, Yuldashev Alisher (­2nd place) and Gafuro­va Shoira (3rd place)­. In addition, winner­s of the championship­ "Что? Где? Когда?", ­"Одаренные эко­номист­ы" (1st place) , "Тем­­по" (2nd place), "Бо­руссия" (3rd place)  ­were awarded. Astasho­va Galina Adamovna, r­epresentative of the ­comminity of friendsh­ip between Uzbekistan­ and Germany, gave th­e speech. In conclusi­on, organizators, stu­dents and guests took­ a photo.