03.02.2017 29778

On the 30th of January, 2017, a chess event dedicated to the birthday of the First President was organized by the professors of the department of “Economic Theory” Tashpulatova. L. M, associate professors Qarshibaev. J. X and Rasulova. A.F. an active participant YSM Kamolot, 4th student of the faculty of “International Relation” Abdurasulov Javlon took an active part in this event. The participants commemorated Islam Abduganievich Karimov and his valuable contribution to the development of chess in Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the event was to make chess popular among students and prepare them personally for the tournament which will be held on the 10th of February, 2017 at UWED.

More than 20 students from all the faculties took part in this event.