23.12.2016 30997

Professor Tuyaganova. N. U made a report on the topic of “ Modern political situation in Afghanistan” analyzing the situation in this country. The lecturer paid attention to the estimations suggested by the countries and international structures, which allegedly have their interests in Afghanistan well-based by the other actors and generally do not give positive perception of the situation in this region. Controversial interests of the participants of “Afghan process”, is explained by the nonconcurrence of the suggestions and recommendations, mainly, estimations of the perspectives of the development of the situation and in the end, exact plans and actions of the countries interested.

Additionally, in her report the professor N. Tulyaganova underlined several approaches which are supported by regional countries that Afghanistan will remain in the future a main source of trans-boundary criminal actions and other dangers.

Other pressing issues of the development of the situation in Afghanistan were also discussed in the course of the session. In the course of the discussion a lot actual aspects dealing with situation development in Afganistan as well as with the potential measures of their settlement were brought up.

есовпадением по содержанию предложений и рекомендаций, а, главное, оценок перспектив развития ситуации и, в конечном счете, конкретных планов и действий заинтересованных государств.