26.03.2021 4997

Love for the Motherland, observance of the constitutional norms of the country and respect for the traditions and cultural heritage of one's own and other nations – all this is the goal of the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Civil-patriotic education in the framework of modernity involves the younger generation for the forthcoming responsibility for their behavior and civil position. Youth become ready to take the initiative, develop their abilities and grow as a person, benefiting not only themselves and others, but the whole country as a whole.

Patriotic education of young people is impossible in a break with such institutions as museums, art schools and houses of culture, etc. On March 14 this year, a group of 3rd year students of the faculty of International relations visited the “Museum of the Armed Forces” at the request of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the organization of collective visits of students of universities of theaters and museums.

The guide of the museum introduced the students to the history of the creation of the museum and the history of the formation of the armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The exhibits presented in the exposition cover the history of the armament and defense of our land from ancient times to the present day. Weapons range from flintstones and arrowheads to modern weapons; from models of artillery and battering guns of the early centuries to modern military equipment.

At the end of the excursion, the museum guide answered the students' questions.