Human trafficking is the misdeed against human being, his liberty and destination
11.11.2016 32445
The conversation on the theme: «Struggle against human trafficking” was conducted among the students of UWED on 10 November, 2016. The representative of the agency on the issues of external labor migration Ahmatov Azim Bahronkulovich was invited to the conversation.
In his speech Azim Bahromkulovich drew attention to the expansion of human trafficking all over the world, that creats severe danger for human being, dignity, individual rights and liberty. He mentioned in detail about dangers of global character of human trafficking, all the means of struggling against human trafficking. Moreover he emphasized the value of adaptation of law “Struggle against human trafficking” and the ordinance №911 of The President of the Republic “About increasing effectiveness of measures directed to struggle against human trafficking” which are considered national legal basis on struggle against human trafficking.
Students who made speech expressed their opinions on the theme and received relevant answers. There expressed desire to conduct such kind of conversations as soon as possible.
Documental film, “Аdashganlar qismati”, was demonstrated at the end of the conference, the placards, “Аdashmang, to’g’ri yo’lni tanlang”, were also distributed on the quantity of 30.