Round table on theme "The Role of Education in Peacebuilding"
28.12.2020 4829
On December 26 in 2020, round table on theme “The Role of Education in Peacebuilding” was held for 2-3 year students of the faculty of International relations. December 26, 2020 as part of the next curatorial hour, students of the 2nd-3rd year of the faculty of International relations (groups 3-3a-19, 3-4a-19, 3-3a-18) took part in a round table on the topic “The Role of Education in Peacebuilding”. The event was held in the remote mode. The event was moderated by Uvraimov I.A. and Muminov I.A, Members of Department for Applied analysis of international problems .
Speaker Asilbek Usmanov, group 3-2a-18, spoke about some aspects related to the role of the educational process in resolving issues of conflict between individuals. He drew attention to the essence and structure of the conflict phenomenon.
Students Alimatova Nozima, Salamov Bakhtiyor and Muzrapov Umidjon also made a presentation. In their speeches, Alimatova N. and Salomov B. told the audience about various aspects of the phenomenon under study, the causes and prerequisites for the emergence of conflicts, their specifics, scale and nature.
A memorable speech was made by N. Alimatova, where Nozima vividly demonstrated her skills as a speaker and voiced important points regarding global processes and existing mechanisms for conflict resolution.
Special emphasis was placed on studying the role of education in conflict resolution.
Student U.Muzrapov made a comprehensive presentation in English, presenting a very rich and interesting information.
Moderator I.A.Uvraimov, for his part, emphasized the importance of a high level of education and training of UWED students in solving the tasks assigned to them, based on the features and specifics of the diplomat’s activities.
Other aspects of the problem were also touched upon during the presentations. The discussion aroused interest among the participants of the event. Various opinions of students were expressed and their points of view were heard.