15.12.2020 2198

IT Park is launching several competitions in nine areas in various directions.

The competitions will be aimed at the implementation of projects that can subsequently be introduced into the public sector and thereby help the development and digitalization of Uzbekistan.

Projects areas are:

  1. Agriculture;
  2. Banking sphere;
  3. Construction;
  4. Transport;
  5. Healthcare;
  6. Education;
  7. Energy;
  8. Land resources, geodesy, cartography, state cadaster;
  9. Geology, mineral resources.

What do we expect from the participants?

A digital solution that will help digitalize the economy: application, service, device, etc.

Stages of conducting:

Stage 1: competition and selection of the best projects;

Stage 2: acceleration of projects within the framework of interaction and close cooperation with state bodies in the fields;

Stage 3: implementation of the best projects in the sphere of economy and financing.

Registration for stage 1 is open until December 20!

Registration and detailed information is on the website: https://digitaleconomy.it-park.uz/

For reference:

Each sector of the economy has its own directions for submitting projects.

Detailed information is on the website: https://digitaleconomy.it-park.uz/

Apply and get a chance to get prizes and go to the acceleration program at IT Park, according to the results of which, projects will be funded and implemented in the socio-economic sectors of Uzbekistan.