14.12.2020 8650

On December 12, 2020, the faculty of International Relations organized the talk with a tutor on the topic "Creative thinking and abilities-moral basis of education". This talk was held on the Zoom online platform.

2nd year students Bochorishvili Mariam and Shadmanova Umida, as well as Madaminov Sanjarbek made a presentation to the audience on the designated topic.

During their presentations, the speakers acquainted the audience with the issues of social psychology, innovative approaches in the field of conditions for the development of creative abilities and opportunities of youth.

At the same time, the participants of the event prepared a video that provided recommendations for improving and developing the level of creative thinking and organizing their own schedule and mode of life.

The moderator and organizer of the web conference held in the Zoom system was a student Muradov Temur.

The tutor I. A. Uvraimov supplemented the students' speeches with additional information.

In addition, information provided by relevant departments and institutions on this topic was brought to the audience. Special attention was paid to the fact that culture and art are priceless treasures of society, great discoveries of human thinking.

After all, our national customs, traditions, folklore, and in general the art and culture of the people, create conditions for the further development and moral growth of every citizen. This is of particular importance in the upbringing of the younger generation and youth.

During the lesson, an active exchange of opinions on the issues raised in the topics proposed for discussion took place. In addition, the student S.Madaminov also spoke on a number of issues concerning the optimization of interaction between teaching staff and students in modern conditions of distance learning. It should also be noted the constructive role of students Ilmiddinova Madina and Murodov Temur in organizing and conducting the event.

Within the framework of the lesson, an active exchange of views took place on the issues raised in the topics proposed for discussion. In addition, student S. Madaminov also spoke on a number of issues regarding the optimization of interaction between teaching staff and students in modern conditions of distance learning. It should also be noted the constructive role of students Ilmiddinova Madina and Murodov Temur in organizing and conducting the event.

During the lesson, other organizational issues of mutual interest were considered.

Faculty of International Relations