Online meeting on the topic “The policy of working with leading personnel in the civil service of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
30.10.2020 2919
On October 29, the Dean of the Faculty of advanced training of management personnel and work with Regional Branches of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Law Mahkamov Otabek Mukhtarovich held a seminar for students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy on public service policy.
The online meeting was held within the framework of the "Public Service" subject and the meeting was chaired by the Vice-Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, the lecturer of the subject “Civil Service”, Ismailova Gulnoza Saydiganikhodjaevna.
In the video conference, Otabek Mukhtarovich informed the students about the strategic directions of public administration, training of managers, improving their experience and skills, strengthening the leadership capacity on the basis of the presentation on "The policy of working with leading personnel in the civil service of the Republic of Uzbekistan"
During the online discussion, students received detailed answers to their questions about the civil service, management structures, skills development of young leaders. In order to make the best use of time, students also asked questions in writing, and at the end of the discussion were given answers and recommendations.
Based on the experience of Otabek Mukhtarovich, Doctor of Sciences in Law, the knowledge and skills he imparted to students became important. We hope for further fruitful cooperation.