14.08.2020 2671

On August 5 of this year, the UWED signed a memorandum of understanding with the leading Japanese University of Wakayama. From the Japanese side, the memorandum was signed by President Dr. Itoh Chihiro.

The memorandum providing for broad cooperation on scientific, academic and cultural issues was prepared with the active assistance of E. Elmurodov, a representative of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the Memorandum, it is possible to exchange students under the "Student Study Abroad Program", which allows students to study for one semester or a full academic year, attending undergraduate courses in different departments. Participation in these programs allows you to receive the appropriate credit / points as an assessment of the level of knowledge.

The signing of the Memorandum was preceded by repeated meetings of the UWED administration with the leadership of Wakayama University represented by its President.

The last on-line negotiations with representatives of the Japanese side were held on June 25, 2020.

An agreement was reached on the organization from September 2020 of online lectures in the areas of "Japanese language" and "Modern Japanese society (culture, history, literature, art)" in Japanese and English, conducting joint scientific conferences and online seminars with the participation of young researchers , undergraduates and doctoral students of two universities, as well as the implementation of joint scientific research and publication of their results. It was decided to pay attention to such topics as the methodology and methods of organizing the research activities of students and masters.

The practical issues of organizing a course of lectures on the problems of international tourism, the development of the tourism potential of Uzbekistan using the vast experience of Japan in this area on the basis of the newly organized Analytical Center for Scientific Research of Japan UWED were considered in detail.

The parties agreed to hold similar meetings between the leadership of Wakayama University and UWED on a regular basis to promptly resolve practical issues of developing bilateral cooperation.

For reference:

On January 17, 2020 the first international thematic seminar in English and Japanese with the participation of professors from Wakayama University was held at the Analytical Center for Scientific Research of Japan UWED, at which issues related to the further development of the tourism potential of Uzbekistan, using the vast experience of Japan in this area, were widely discussed.

Ms. Nakamoto Kazue, Executive Director of the Tourism Research Center of Wakayama University, Ms. Murano Misato, Tourism Development Project Coordinator at Wakayama University, and Ms. Saito Nozomi, Senior Research Fellow at Wakayama University, spoke at the event.

In February 2020. a business visit to UWED of a delegation of Wakayama University, headed by the President prof. Ito Chihiro.

During negotiations with the vice-rector of UWED for international cooperation prof. S.S.Saidkasimov, the parties discussed the preparation of an agreement on cooperation, the organization of the exchange of professors, teachers, researchers and students, as well as the possibility of inviting leading Japanese professors to organize master classes and special lecture courses for UWED students and undergraduates. Particular attention was paid to the organization of on-line classes at the UWED.

Among the promising areas of cooperation, interaction was noted within the framework of student exchange programs, training of scientific personnel, organization of scientific internships, and the implementation of joint research in the fields of management, international tourism, digital economy, IT technologies.

Wakayama University President prof. Ito Chihiro expressed deep satisfaction with the businesslike and constructive nature of the negotiations and expressed firm confidence in the further development of joint cooperation.

In the photo, the President of Wakayama University prof. Ito Chihiro, Lumbidi Kupanhy - Vice President of Wakayama University, Nakamoto Kazue - Vice Director of the Center for Tourism Research, Murano Misato - Research Fellow at the Center for Tourism Research, E. Elmurodov - Executive Director of the Representative Office of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan.