It was announced candidates set for studing to the masters degree programme of Law faculty (Japan) Nagoya University
31.10.2020 5583
Representative of Nagoya University in Uzbekistan announces to begin candidates set for studing to the masters’ degree programme of Law faculty Nagoya University on government grant of the Ministry of education, culture, sport, sience and thechnology of Japan for 2021 academic year.
Prospective students from Uzbekistan will have the opportunity to pass study in english language in masters’ degree Nagoya University in the field law and policy, the Ministry of education,culture ,sport ,sience and thechnology of Japan covers all costs related to the training of foreign students, and also provides them monthly scholarship for living in Japan during their presence (the inforamation is attached).
Students, successfully graduated from programme is assigned to masters’ degree in the area of Comparative law and Political Sciences (LLM in Comparative law and Political Sciences).
The detail information of conditions, terms and requirments to apply at the Programme is available in the Representative Nagoya University in Uzbekistan: International Business Center, 14 th floor , block A, tel: +998712389405/06/07.
The deadline for applications to prior consideration documents in the Representative Nagoya University in Uzbekistan expires on 6 th November 2020 at 16:00.