09.10.2020 4928

Ajou Exchange Program

1) Nomination Information

We are pleased to send you the link for the online nomination. You can also find the necessary information on our website: https://oia.ajou.ac.kr/oia/incoming/exchange-overview.do

- Online Nomination Link: https://ko.surveymonkey.com/r/nomination2021

2) Nomination Deadline (Spring 2021): now ~ November 30, 2020 (Korean time)

3) Semester Dates for 2021 academic year

Study Period


Spring 2021

March 1 ~ June 18

Fall 2021

September 1 ~ December 21 (tentative)

Spring - Fall 2021

March 1 ~ December 21 (tentative)

4) Online Application Deadline (Spring 2021):   October 1st ~ 23:59 p.m., December 11, 2020 (Korean time)

For the students who have postponed the exchange program to Spring 2021, we would appreciate it if you could nominate the students again via the link above and the students will need to submit an online application again as well. 

Web: https://www.ajou.ac.kr/en/index.do