The Department of International Private and Civil Law was founded in 1995 on the basis of the Department of Legal Principles of the World Market. Until September 2015, the department was called "Civil Law".The activity of the Department is aimed to provide deep understanding of the legal regulation in market relations, particularly, with the participation of foreign partners, as well as property relations arising in the sphere of international economic relations.

The department carries out educational, educational-methodical and scientific activities in the following areas:

  • The economic and moral relations;
  • The right to property, freedom of contract;
  • Implementation of civil rights, provision of redress and protection of the court;
  • Development of logical thinking, the ability to express evidence-based suggestions for further improvement of the rule of law;
  • Disclosure of the economic (entrepreneurial) legal relations impart knowledge on the organization and liquidation of economic entities;
  • The main types of business activities, the legal framework resolution of commercial disputes;
  • The scope of contractual relationship taking into account the peculiarities of modern business;
  • Compliance with the law and practice related to the conclusion and execution of commercial contracts;
  • Civil procedural relationship;
  • Jurisdiction of civil cases;
  • Responsibility in civil proceedings;
  • Preparation of cases for examination in court;
  • Development of knowledge and practical skills in presenting procedural documents in economic courts;
  • Concept, subject and sources of private international law, the regulation of relations complicated by a foreign element, conflict of laws;
  • The legal status of individuals and legal entities in private international law, the immunity of the State and its species;

At present the following disciplines are taught at the department:

  • Civil Law,
  • Private International Law,
  • Civil Procedure Law,
  • Commercial Law and Procedure,
  • International Intellectual Property Law,
  • Banking Law,
  • Family Law,
  • Labor Law,
  • Housing Law,
  • Corporate Law.