Личные данные

Контактные данные

Сведения о статье

1. The editorial board of the journal accepts materials reflecting the fundamental problems of the history and theory of international relations, international law, the world economy and international economic relations, topical issues of the place and role of Uzbekistan in the modern world, regional and international security, theory, methodology and practice of international research, Domestic and foreign experience in the training of highly qualified specialists in international affairs and diplomatic personnel, as well as other topics on Lining the profile of the publication.

To the consideration of articles related to the analysis of international relations and world politics in the modern world, the international legal regulation of various spheres of life of society and the state, the development of the world economy and international economic relations, pressing problems in the social and humanitarian spheres of modern Uzbekistan and the international community.

The editors reserve the right to publish articles on other areas of science. The journal can accept theoretical, methodological, thematic reviews of analytical articles and scientific research for publication; Scientific reviews of publications, etc.

The author submits the article via e-mail or the official website of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Personal contacts are not welcome.

2. Requirements for articles:

  • Articles should have a problematic, analytical nature.
  • Relevance from a scientific and practical point of view.
  • The novelty of posing a question or revealing a topic.
  • The fundamental nature of the study of the topic, special attention should be given to the scientific apparatus.
  • Argumentation of conclusions.
  • Accessibility and clarity of presentation.

3. For the article, please attach the following information about yourself:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of the author (in full).
  • Organization (full name).
  • Position.
  • Academic rank.
  • Academic degree.
  • E-mail, fax, telephone.

The author of the article is responsible for the authenticity of the above information.

4. Manuscripts handed to the editor must meet the following standard requirements:

  • a handwritten version of the article must be prepared according to the Word 2003 version;
  • fonts - Times New Roman, font size - 14 (size);
  • line spacing - 1,5;
  • structure of the article: abstract (no more than 2-3 paragraphs), introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography.
  • diagrams, figures, tables are given only in black and white or using gray shades;
  • footnotes end (first sources, then used literature); Footnotes are fixed in the order of their indication in the material, and not in alphabetical order;
  • the volume of the text material is not more than 15 pages.

Articles should be sent to the following email address:


You can fill out the online form and send the article through our website at the following link:


5. Articles are evaluated by members of the editorial board, and other specialists in the profile corresponding to the content of the article. The decision on whether or not to publish articles received by the editorial board is taken by the Editorial Board.

6. The author has the right to review the completed review.

7. The author is responsible for the correct execution of the articles.

8. The fee for publishing an article in the journal is not charged.