17.12.2019 11514

Doctoral dissertation of Tursunmuratov Turdimurat Maxamatkulovich from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy for the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Political Sciences 23.00.04 – “Political problems of international relations, global and regional development” on “The impact of euroatlantic factor on national security of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the conditions of global technological development” will be held on December 27, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the meeting of the Academic Council DSc.27.06. 2017.Tar/Yu/I/S/ 24.01.

(Address: 100192, Tashkent, Mustakillik, 54. Tel.: (99871) 267-67-69; fax: (998971) 267-09-00; e-mail: rektorat@uwed.uz).
