The Scientific Seminar on the specialty 12.00.10 – “International Law” under the Academic Council DSc.27.06.2017.Tar/Yu/I/S/24.01 of the UWED
25.05.2018 15503
On May 29, 2018 at 14:30 in the Protocol Hall of the UWED there will be a meeting of the Scientific Seminar on the specialty 12.00.10 – “International Law” under the Academic Council DSc.27.06.2017.Tar/Yu/I/S/24.01 of the UWED. On the agenda is a discussion of dissertations of N.A. Nugmanov’s “Теоретико-практические особенности формирования международного информационного права” (DSc) and N.R.Fayzullayeva’s “Оговорки в современном международном договорном праве: теория и практика Республики Узбекистан” (PhD).