15.12.2017 20958

A meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017 Tar/Yu/I/S/24.01 on conferment academic degrees at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy will be held at 14:30, on December 28, 2017 in the auditorium No.103, building “B”. During the meeting, following candidates of the UWED will defend their theses for obtaining the degrees:

  • Ph.D. Ochilov B.B. on the theme: "The Genesis and Evolution of US Policy in Central Asia under the Administrations of Bill Clinton. and
    George Bush. Jr." (DSc)
  • Umarov A.A. on the topic: "Factor of Afghanistan in the regional security of Central Asia at the beginning of the 21st century" (PhD).

We invite all teachers, doctoral candidates, postgraduates and students of UWED!

Abstracts of applicants B.Ochilov and A.Umarov can be found below:

Ochilov B. B. (PDF)

Umarov A. A. (PDF)