Открытая лекция на тему «Вклад ученых из Центральной Азии в развитие исламского права (школа Ханафи) и исламских исследований»
12.06.2018 16442
11 июня 2018 года доцент кафедры ЮНЕСКО по международному праву и правам человека при УМЭД, кандидат юридических наук Хайдарали Юнусов провел открытую лекцию на тему «Вклад ученых из Центральной Азии в развитие исламского права (школа Ханафи) и исламских исследований "в Оксфордском центре исламских исследований Оксфордского университета, Великобритания. Лекция в форме семинара состоялась в знаменитой комнате «Бухара». Профессоры, исследователи, эксперты и студенты со всего мира активно участвовали в этом событии. Инновационный, интерпретирующий, нормотворческий и общий информационно-пропагандистский вклад ученых из Центральной Азии и применимость этих вкладов на практике обсуждались в последующих ответах на вопросы.
Для дополнительной информации:
For Central Asia and, particularly, Uzbekistan is frequently referred to as “Homeland or grew-up place of Islamic sciences and civilization”. Our ancestors highly proved it. The name of more than 2,700 scholars and ulama originated from Central Asia were mentioned in the different Arabic sources. Of course, on the top of list is always the name of Imam Bukhari and Imam at-Termizi. Needless to repeat that Hadiths of Bukhari is considered to be the most important source after Qur’an but majority don’t know what the strength of the Sahihi Bukhari resides in? Ibn Sina, known as “Avicenna” in the West, enormously contributed to the development of medical sciences with “al-Qanun fi-t-Tibb”. His book was reprinted in Rome as late as 1593, was used at Lӧwen University for 600 years, until 1650, and Thomas Aquinas quoted Ibn Sina more than 400 times. Al-Farabi, called as the “Second teacher”, immensely contributed to the development of the Islamic philosophy. “Al-Hidayah” of Imam Burkhaniddin Marghinani has been the most popular book in the entire Islamic legal literature. American jurist-scholar Roscoe Pound says that “Al-Hidayah” is the beginning of the case study method of studying law”. He completed the book in thirteen (13) years. Throughout this period he continued to fast!!! Abu Rayhan al-Biruni discovered Amerika long before Turkish sailors and Christopher Columbus theorizing the existence of a landmass along the ocean between Asia and Europe in his “Codex Masudicus” (1037); He was given the title “founder of Indology” for his remarkable description of India in early 11th-century in his “Kitab al-Hind”. He is also regarded as the “father of geodesy” for his important contributions to that field; and, finally, Uzbekistan is, apparently, the Homeland of International Law thanks to formidable scholar Muhammad ibn Ahmad Sarakhsi, so-called as Hugo Grotius of the Muslims who by interpreting Shaybani`s book Kitab al-Siyar al-Kabir through application of juristic preference doctrine, sets forth the Siyar (International Law) as an autonomous and legitimate discipline within the framework of shari`a law (by Husain Kassim, 1939; and Hans Kruse, 1955).